Cool & Calm Shave Set
Cool & Calm Shave Set
Cool & Calm Shave Set
Cool & Calm Shave Set
Cool & Calm Shave Set

    Cool & Calm Shave Set

    $30.38 $37.98

    - TWO FREE MIP Collagen Mask Packs

    "Enhance your shaving experience with our Cool & Calm Shave Set, designed and formulated to protect against cuts and razer burn, while leaving your skin relaxed and hydrated after shaving."

      Clicking on a specific product opens its details page for more information.

      (1) VITAMIN Shaving Cream

      (2) Repairing & Lifting After Shave



      Clicking on a specific product opens its details page for more information.

      (1) VITAMIN Shaving Cream

      (2) Repairing & Lifting After Shave


      HOW TO USE?

      1. Apply a thin layer on the shave and soften the beard before use. (VITAMIN Shaving Cream)

      2. Use after shaving or washing your face, in the first step of your skincare routine. Roll and massage along the jawline and tap your entire face lightly to let the remaining essence absorbed. (Repairing & Lifting After Shave)